Thursday, 17 July 2014

WoT angling

Angling is one of the most crucial skills that you need to master in order to survive,

Angling is done on all sort of tanks with good , strong side armor , usually heavies like E 100 , Maus  , E 75 , or other tanks with thick side armor.

Angling doesn't have to be with Heavy tanks it can be done in mediums with good thick side armor but sadly you can hardly find them there are few in the games such as the E 50 M and the E 50 with have 80mm but even that can  be over-matched sometimes.

The basics to angling are to get the enemy to shoot the part of tank that has the sharpest angle to it as shown in this picture.

Lets say , the Red dot is the enemy and is firing at you from that direction. if you can get him to shoot your side , it will bounce 100% (shown by the RED line)

But if he shoots your front , that sharp angle isnt there anymore , so it will probably penetrate and do damage to you (shown by the GREEN line)

This can be done to  frontal armor too as shown in the picture .

As you can see again the Red line will bounce off your frontal plate and do no damage but care to not get shot in the side (GREEN line) as it will penetrate and do damage.

thats it :P you have juz learnt the basics to angling in World of Tanks :)

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